7 Things To Do When Relationships Are in Trouble

When relationships are in trouble, it becomes difficult to have a normal, honest conversation. If you start one, the other person will refuse to engage, or become defensive or combative. When relationships begin to break down, suspicion creeps in. The other person stops putting in any effort to build back the relationship or make it work. The other person begin to question motives. At this point they often withdraw completely, and it becomes very difficult for you to connect with them. Or if you manage to get with them, they are mentally or emotionally withdrawn from you. Even if you're together, you're not relating to one another. Speak well of them afterwards After you have talked to them and have tried everything possible to save the relationship, make it a goal to have no unfinished business with them. Whether you have resolved the issues or mended the relationship, or had to part ways, you don't want any kind of grudge between yourselves, so ...