10 Things Unhappy People Don't Do

Unhappy People Don't: Say Thank You Saying thank you -and, more importantly, meaning it-has actually been proven to make people happier. Feeling and expressing gratitude is a win for everyone involved. The person being thanked feels happy for being appreciated, and the person doing the thanking feels good for making the other person happy. So if you're ever feeling down, ask yourself : Have I been acting like a jerk lately? If the answer is yes, the odds are pretty good that this behavior is affecting more than just the people you're rude to, it's making you unhappy 😞 . Unhappy People Don't: Take active roles in relationships It's all well and good to have lots of friends and family members, but if you never make an effort to work on or maintain those relationships, you won't be getting nearly as much out of them as you could be. Reach out: show you care. Being nice to others can make you happy, too ☺. Unhappy People Don't: Pray o...