What are the most important values for a leader?

All individuals have to decide what values they will embrace, what they will live for, what they would die for. Those values come from their core beliefs and their faith. I won't address that here because I believe you must wrestle them down personally. Instead I'll talk about leaders values that I believe are most important. Purpose: Let Your Why Direct Your What I believe that success comes from knowing your purpose in life, growing to your maximum potential, and sowing seeds to benefit others. If you miss any one of those three things, I don't think you can be genuinely successful. I also know that you cannot achieve the second and third parts fully without first discovering the first. You can't grow to your potential you don't know your purpose. And if you don't know why you are on this earth and you are not able to improve in that purpose to the best of your ability, you'll be very limited in the ways you can help others. I'll j...