Nigeria Its a New Day

Guys its brand new
Everything is brand new
We are moving forward each day
And we are never going to look back
All we would do is keep moving forward
To the things we have written to

We have felt the tension around
For too long
It was not just about us
It was about Nigeria
Finding Nigeria

How long would we do the same things
Over and over again
How many times would we expect the same
Over and over again

We would say
Constant electricity when would you come
Bad roads when would you go
We would say
Dreams when will you come

You know It makes us question God
God in his infinite mercy
Gave us every blessed moment
To enjoy and never
Remember any painful moment

But we kept track
We thought there was a limit
But there was no limit
The sky is never the limit
Because it can not be limited

God is everywhere
He sees you everywhere
He does not want you to limit
He says his words are eternal

Don't ever try to imagine
How big God is
Because you will only end up
With how small is

We are all dealing with Change
We all have to play right
We can't make it there alone

So Nigerians
Motivate each other from today
Because the fire is gone
And the light has shown

Its a new day
Be inspired


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