Principles of Overflow

First thing you have to work on is your mindset.
Believe God wants you to prosper/enlarge. 
You should have the faith not just to grow
And multiply but to sustain it.
Everything you'll ever need,
To succeed in life is available.

Secondly, The need to create the room for increase.
Broaden your vision if you want more. 
Your vision is what you prepare for,
What you expect and what you look forward too.
Write down your vision,
Only then can you adequately,
Find someone to run it for you.

Thirdly, Acquire understanding, acquire knowledge. 
Engage yourself in finding out more.
Develop an  investment mind.
You must learn how to turn what you have into seeds.
You have to learn how to turn little to big.

Lastly, Everything God gives to us has two folds.
There must be a seed and one would be a bread.
Very very important to note,
You do not and should not eat all of your money.
You should also think wide and ahead,
Have multiple sources of income.



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