No Job yet?

Tip 1
Think about what went wrong at your previous job and why
Assess the situation so you can avoid the same thing
happening in the future

Tip 2
Do you have any habits that may have caused you to lose your job 
or that prevent you from landing one,
especially in your field?
If so, take this time to work on fixing them.

Tip 3
Do you have passion? Pursue it.
Read about the skills and requirements needed to do a job in this field,
and work towards obtaining them.

Tip 4
Obtain further training.
To brush up on grammar skills, check out,
A comprehensive grammar training course 
that you can complete at your own pace.

Tip 5
Read up on world and industry news;
be informed about what's going on and how you
(and the industry you want to work in)
might be affected by the current global situation.

Tip 6
Make a list and plan goals for each day.
Your list and goals need not be extensive,
but knowing what you're going to do on a particular day
will help you get it done.
Plus, who doesn't feel good after crossing something off a list?

Tip 7
Update your resume and have it edited and proofread
by a professional editing company such as

Tip 8
Search for small projects or freelance jobs
with which to get by while you search for something more permanent.

Tip 9
Talk to friends, family, neighbors - anyone you come into
contact with who could potentially help you with your job search
or connect you to someone who could help

Tip 10
Pay it forward and do your best to help those around you,
even if they're in the same situation as you are.

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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