Reduce Blood Pressure

Exercise regularly. 
Regular physical activity such as brisk walking for 30 minutes
a day lowers blood pressure.

Reduce stress.
Stress & anxiety increase blood pressure. Learn deep breathing 
and relaxation techniques.

Reduce sodium intake. 
Too much salt causes you to retain water 
which increases blood pressure.

Increase potassium. 
Potassium lowers sodium levels, fat foods rich in potassium
such as dark leafy greens, bananas, potatoes and avocados.

Avoid tobacco & second hand smoke.
Nicotine increases blood pressure

Apple cider vinegar, 
1 tablespoon a day of organic, apple cider vinegar
with "the mother" reduces blood pressure.

Real food diet fat
"I-II servings of fresh fruits & vegetables everyday.
Cut out processed foods, chemicals, refined sugars & flours, sugary beverages
and artificial sweetners. 


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