The Best Leaders...

People want to know what you stand for and believe in.
They want to know what you value.
And leaders need to know what others value,
if they are going to be able to forge aligment
between personal values and organizational demans.

-Jim Kouzes

No leader ever got anything extraordinary done without
the talent and support of others.
Leadership is a team sport, and you need to engage others in the cause.
What strengthens and sustains the relationship between leader
and constituent is that leaders are obsessed with what is best for others,
not what is best for the leader.

-Barry Posner

The best leaders are the best learners.
You have to believe that you (and others)
can learn to lead, and that you can become a better leader 
tomorrow than you are today.
Leaders are constant improvement fanatics, and learning is
the master skill of leadership
-Jim Kouzes

If you are a learner or naturally new to something,
and you now find someone who is stronger 
and more knowledgeable than you,
cling and hold on to that person...
you'll get to where you are going faster....
Likewise we should apply this principle withe God...
Be satisfied to know the ONE 
who knows even if you don't know...

We are God's Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds....


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