Within Our Beautiful Imperfections

"A flower does not think of competing with a flower next to it.
 It just blossoms"

This quote is a good and simple reminder 
of living our lives
without competing or comparing ourselves to others.
We often find ourselves making comparisons 
with our peers and those in our vicinity.
This often makes us compete with them and even jealous.
Learning from others is important but competing is deliberating
and it doesn't bring anything good.
Let's learn from nature how to be beautiful with who we are.

Look at how buds can all blossom into beautiful flowers
without any competition. 
Each bud is bound to develop into a beautiful flower. 

This is also true for the next flower,
just like these flowers we all have skills and attributes
that when the time and season is right will make us blossom. 
We need to understand that different varieties of trees
flower at different times, 
some are very early whilst others are late. 
The key is they all bloom.
Remember you are unique.
Each of us is unique and has specific talents 
and abilities to offer. 
We are all here, to contribute. 

The same can be said about success.  
We all can be successful, 
There is no cap or limit,
 as such hardly any reason to compete.
If anything there is every reason to compliment and partner.
Above all learn to love yourself,
meaning accept yourself as you are and come to terms
with those aspects of yourself that you cannot change.
It means to have self-respect, a positive self image,
and unconditional self-acceptance.

The more we dwell on our imperfections
The greater we give it power to harm us

Rachel was loved by Jacob,
Leah desperately yearned for his love.
They were both married to the same man,
Rachel was beautiful on the outside,
Leah was beautiful on the inside,
These two sisters battled with identity issues,
Women face today

"There was no sparkle in Leah's eyes, but Rachael had a beautiful figure,
and a lovely face" - Genesis 29:17

He says to us 'You're my beloved' 
To sing over you is my delight
Under my mercy, come and wait
I see no stain on you my child
You are beautiful to me
Cast all your care down at my feet
Come and find your rest in me
I'll breathe my life right inside of you
And hide you in the shadow of my strength
I'll restore your soul
Come rest in me and be made whole.

Because He is God, the beginning and the end
We are complete whether we have a partner or not
We are talking of having the most wealthiest partner in the world 
The most loving, gracious, all knowing, faithful and protecting
That's certainly some partner to have! 
He loves us and knows we are beautiful just the way we are! 

"Remember that your natural state is joy"
-Wayne Dyer

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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