Loyalty is Rare....

"If you cheat on someone who is willing to do anything for you,
You actually cheated yourself out of true loyalty"

Never settle for people with such behavior.
 It's either they step up or step out.
It's easy to convince ourselves that we should keep our expectations 
and standards low to avoid getting hurt or let down. 
 It's easy to look in the mirror and see all our flaws and imperfections. 
It's easy to make excuses and live with the disappointment rather than to leave.

When you care about a person, 
you see them in a way that is often inaccurate. 
Sometimes what and who we think a person is 
doesn't match up who they are in reality. 
It's easy to put on rose-colored glasses when we love someone.

"I can be changed by what happens to me. 
But I refuse to be reduced by it"

Nothing inspires the heart the most other than allegiance
Faithfullness, fidelity, obedience, homage, respect, devotion
Meeting people is by chance, but staying put is by choice
No amount of words, uniqueness, likeness or care can substitute

Loyalty means I am by your side 
Through thick and thin
Loyalty means I will look out for you 
Out of the kindness of my heart
Loyalty means I will fight for you
Help you achieve all your dreams

Loyalty comes from within, from the soul
An act that is nurtured and admired by many
It is the key ingredient to any relationship
So as you learn, live and grow....
Make sure you have people around you that recognize what it means,
A commitment to Excellence!

"In a world full of unlimited choice, adore those who go hard for you
Commitment is a very rare thing"

You are gorgeous. You are smart. 
You are kind. You are generous.
 You are fun.You are creative.
 You are all sorts of wonderful things.
 Walk away from people who can't appreciate these things. 
That way, when you come across people,
 you're not blind to it nor settling for less than you deserve.

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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