Apologize, Forgive, Forget!

The first to apologize is the bravest
The first to forgive is the strongest
The first to forget is the happiest

This quote is very dwelling on our inner beings
A lot of people find it hard to apologize 
They think they are the ones traumatised the most
The first to apologise is the bravest
It does not mean you are wrong!
You just value your relationship more than the argument
You lift yourself up from being bitter and agonized 
You let yourself free and come out stronger

Its easy to forgive but it is harder to forget
Forgiveness heals you from pain and malice
You wash and cleanse yourself by this very act
God even insists we forgive our enemies
So they can forgive you too 
There is no love without forgiveness
And there is no forgiveness without love

If you live everyday like its your past you will be unhappy
You wont see new doors of opportunities to take you unawares
You won't see life for what it really is 
Because all judgement is clouded on the past memories
All you would see and feel is fear
Be the first to forget

Live, Love and Grow

We are God`s Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all worlds


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