Like a Bird on a Tree...Believe in Yourself!

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking
Because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings.
Always believe in yourself!

I have often heard the slogan "Fake it till you make it"
 This evening, I pondered over one particular article on the internet, 
the writer had exclaimed that most people do not do the adequate work and research,
that comes with building an ever sustaining business brand in today's economy.
It stated clearly 'Do not fake it till you make it"

Wait hold on! I thought it was to be "Fake it till you make it!"
Why the reverse?
I have heard a lot of people say that it is the only thing that has helped them 
survive turbulent low self esteem situations.

Like a Bird on a Tree...

"If you feel like you shouldn't be somewhere: Fake it, Do it not until you make it-but until you become it
~Amy Cuddy, 
For me, fake it until you make it does not always mean putting on a happy face
and not letting others in as to what is fully going on in your life.
But it is about maintaining a positive attitude 
and also in jumping outside of your comfort zone for as Neale Donald Walsch,
eloquently put,
"Life begins at the end if your comfort zone"
Amy Cuddy had a story to tell of herself :-
She met with an accident at 19, withdrew from college, I.Q dropped by two standard deviation.
(I.Q was her thing). Felt depressed and lost.
She took 4 years longer than her peers to complete college. 
She always felt she did not belong.

What she did??
She faked and faked and went through Princeton, Harvard and became a professor.
She fake till she became it and no longer felt the same. 

Like a Bird on a Tree....

More than others, postures affect ourselves.
Not only does mind drive body, but
"Bodies drive mind. mind changes behaviour and behaviour changes outcomes"

It's easy to look at an individual in their current position and think
'Boy; they are so much smarter, so much more capable, 
so much talented' but you know what?
They too were once a naive little child that didn't know anything beyond eating.
sleeping and pooping, just like you.

They surely had countless opportunities to go with the flow 
and just do what they were told and accept what they were given
.......but they did not do that.

They did not do that because they would never be where they are today,
If they hadn't started learning useful things as best they could.

So yes, asides faking it, the hard work comes in!!!
You have to put in the work, you have to learn everything you can to grow.
You don't expect to be a good musician, doctor, actress, hairdresser or scientist.
without persistence,continuous dedication and improvement.

Faking it can ruin you financially.
Lots of people live in big houses and drive nice cars they can't afford.
But when you live beyond your means, 
you're robbing yourself of the peace that comes from having 
a firm hold of your finances.

Maybe the phrase "fake it till you make it" really means
"be honest about what you know or have today 
until you no longer feel you are lacking something for which you can be proud".

Like a Bird on a Tree...

Find Time!!
2 minutes in the elevator, bus or elevator or anywhere
to get your power pose and feel more powerful; confident and change your lives.

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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