Forgive yourself no matter what....

Whatever you have done before,
Accept it and let it go.
You are not perfect.
You are capable of making mistakes.
Stop hiding from the shadows of the past.
Don't be trapped in the darkness of shattered memories
Let the light pass through and shine upon you.
Forgive yourself because it's the only way to start again.

Forgive yourself no matter what

There can be beauty in getting lost.
Sometimes we have to get lost to find each other 
And sometimes, we find each other only to get lost again.
We can't always control it, 
The thing that's going to set you adrift.
And as you stand there on your front porch staring at 
The life you have to leave behind, you have to accept it's gone
Its lost.
Just like you.
All you can do is stand very still,
Breathe in the moment and try to be open to wherever 
The wind's going to take you next.
-Meredith Grey 
(Season11, Ep. 1- I must have Lost It on the Wind)

Forgive yourself no matter what

You fall, you rise, you make mistakes, you live, you learn.
You're human, not perfect. 
You've been hurt, but you're alive.
Think of what precious priveledge it is to be alive,
To think, to breathe, to enjoy, and to chase the things you love.
Sometimes there is sadness in our journey, 
But there is also a lot of beauty.
We must keep putting one foot of the other even when we hurt,
For we will never know what is waiting for us 
Just around the bend. 

Daily Affirmation

"If you hear people from my past speak to me
Keep in mind they are speaking of a person
They don't even know anymore"

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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