Don't stop being a Great Friend...

DESPITE all ODDS....Don't stop being a 'GREAT' friend....
it's a path to GREATNESS also

Building relationships with people is part of life. 
We all form strong friendships 
that make our lives healthier and happier. 
 However,  some friendships may be more harmful 
than they are helpful.

As a highly progressed human, 
you will wish to prevent being around pessimistic people, 
even if the option is being alone. 
It is necessary that you spot adverse people as quickly 
as possible so that you cam take proper action. 

Unfavorable people will try to undermine 
your positive outlook in any methods they can.
 They will bore you with gossips and bad tidings,  
continuing to tell you the negative things in their lives 
when you already understand more about them
 than you care to understand. 
They will influence you 
to begin seeing nothing but a gloomy and grim world
 if you hang around them for too long.

Pessimistic individuals think the entire world protests them. 
For some strange reason they desire everybody else
 to have the exact same experience.  
They are critics who know everything 
a minimum of they think they do. 
Pessimistic people court others who will support them 
in their contention that the world is a lousy place. 
A few of these people invest their whole lives 
making others miserable. 
They appear to be pleased with their efforts 
for no sensible reason. 

Negative people are particularly kept in mind 
for their lack of humor.  
They have the wonderful view that life is a rip-off 
and that absolutely nothing is so bad that it cannot worsen. 
Among the most endearing characteristics of negative people 
is their willingness to do anything possible 
to bring positive people down to their disappointing level.  
Suffering does not just love company 
- It requires it. 

3 Ways to Be a Better Friend
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young,
but set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, 
in faith and in purity" 
1 Timothy 4:12

#Listen First
We live in a world where people are talking so much, 
and the part of which so many people are talking so much,
 is because no one will listen to them. 
Anyone who is such a good listener is such a treasure!
They really are. One good way to listen is to ask a second question. 
For examplee ask 'How are you doing?' Then like really ask the second question
 'How are you doing?'. 
The more you listen, the more you will be heard.

#Move from fixing people to healing people
Human beings are living things.
Living things need healing, and the best way to do this is not only listen, 
but to put yourself in their shoes. 
This word is called Empathy. 
The word compassion, literary means to suffer with, 'I am here with you'. 
Sometimes when people are hurting, 
that is all they need. Just a hug, or a quiet loving person.

#Hold on, but Hold on Loosely
Imagine holding a bird in your arms,
 if you hold it too loosely, it would fly away, 
and if you hold on too tight, it would die in your arms. 
Same way we can hurt others when we hold them too close or not at all!

"The heart that is meant to love you will fight,
 for you when you want to give up,
pick you up when you're feeling down, 
and will give you their smile when it's hard for you to find yours.
They will never get strength from seeing you weak, power from seeing you hurt,
or joy from seeing you cry.
The heart that's meant to love you wants to see the best you,
not the hurt you! 
Never forget that"
-Trent Shelton

We all take different paths in life, but wherever we go, 
we take a little of each other everywhere.
Friends are God's way of taking care of us.

Don't Stop Being a Great Friend.......
......It's a path to Greatness....

We are God's Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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