The Deep Things Of This World

"Lay up for yourselves not treasures upon the earth,
Where moth and rust doth corrupt,
And where thieves break through and steal
But lay up yourselves treasures in heaven
Where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt,
And where thieves do not break through nor steal
For where your treasure is,
There your heart be also"

Mattew 6 vs 19-21

Thus the most important thing for you and me, as human beings, is to try and find out for the rest of our lives what is the purpose for everything in life, That is our main goal. Unless we ask ourselves, 
"What is the purpose for everything in life?". 
We will miss the wisdom of God in creation.

This wisdom is like a secret that was supposed to be known before we were created. It's a wisdom from God that He is keeping for us. It was in God and now it dwells on us. 

In other words, you were born with wisdom that literally came out of God. You have the ability to line up with God. You are in the God class.

"No eye has seen, no ear has hear, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him" - but God has revealed it to us by His spirit." (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)
Your eyes can't see, your ears can't hear, neither can your mind imagine what God  intends for His children.  It's totally beyond what you can understand. If you could see through your eyes what you were created to be, you'd change your life.

If you could hear through your ears or perceive through your mind - but the scripture says you can't.
No eyes have seen ears and mind can not help you understand what God prepared for you before you were born. If they could, you'd shape up!

"But God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.".
But indicates a change. But inserts hope in the midst of hopelessness. Most people do not know what God intends for their lives. They have not seen their secret wisdom, not have they heard about it. They have never even thought about the stuff because there are certain things we cannot understand unless the Holy Spirit reveals them to us. They are so deep within our potential that we need help to drag them out.

In his mercy, God has placed within each of us the answer to this dilemma. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God sent the gift of the Holy Spirit. That same Spirit, which we receive at our new birth, provides the connection between our spirits and God's secret wisdom.
"The Holy Spirit is the key that allows all the dormant power within you to come to life"
Have you ever wondered why we have to be born of the spirit? Why does the Holy Spirit come and connect with our spirits? Think for a moment about your spirit. 

The deepest knowledge about ourselves comes to us through our spirits - we can't know anything deeper than our spirits reveal. 

"No one knows more about you than you know about yourself, for who can understand a man better than his own spirit?" (1 Corinthians 2:11)
Some of you have received the revelation of what it cost God to love you. Others of you have not. Some of you are ready to walk into a deeper level of knowledge, others are not. 

God beckons you to take  another step into a deeper, more relevant knowledge of your potential in Christ - though you may have been saved for years. You need to take this step because you till don't know who you are. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal this truth to you.
"We have not received the spirit of the world but the spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us" (1 Corinthians 2:12)
When you hunger for the deep things of God, a hunger that God himself puts within you, you will not be satisfied until the Holy Spirit reveals God's secret wisdom to you. Your spirit yearns for the deep things of God that He has within Him about you. 

There is a deep in you crying out to the deep things in God. You will never be satisfied, even after you are saved, because there is something inside you that continually calls out for more.

Open your life to Jesus Christ. Allow God to reveal His secret wisdom concerning you. See with your eyes and hear with your ears things you have never seen or heard before. Conceive with your mind thoughts that never before occurred to you. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He sucks out of God and into you the depths of the riches that God prepared for you. 

Live the rest of your life building an atmosphere where it is possible for the Holy Spirit to use you as He takes His bucket of hope, dips it deep into the wells of your potential and pulls it to the top of your senses. Drink deeply, growing in the knowledge of who you really are in God.

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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