The Air We Breathe - Mouth Breathing

The Air We Breathe - Mouth Breathing THE AIR WE BREATHE The most important thing we do is breathe The second most important thing we do is pump blood around our bodies If either of these stop happening, we stop living In the air, the most important thing is oxygen Oxygen makes up about 20% of the gas in the air Our lungs are designed to allow oxygen to enter our bloodstream, so it can be transported around our bodies Our bodies need constant steady stream of oxygen- if the levels drop, this is called hypoxia (pronounced high-pox-ee-ah) The Air We Breathe - Mouth Breathing HOW THE LUNGS WORK Our lungs need to be inflated to fill up with a fresh lot of air This happens by the action of muscles around the chest wall, and most importantly a muscle called the diaphragm, that all work to stretch the lungs open, sucking air to our bodies. Once the air is drawn in, it comes into very close contact ...