What is it that makes us???

What is it that would make us do something so brave for others
What is it that would make us love our neighbors more than ourselves
What is it that keeps us going.....
What is it that makes us question ourselves???
This can't be? Am I laying my life down for the other?
I actually can care for someone more than I can care for myself?

'The best way to find yourself 
Is to lose yourself in the service of others'
-Mahatma Gandhi

Why pretend like we are emotionless
And let our heads  get the better part of us
What then is the better part of ourselves?
To love more than to be loved back
To give better than to receive
To give to those who need support more
To enable justice  is administered to all
To remember to give to the poor
To be still and know He is in control
To know that God lives in the very brick of our minds
For he loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son
That whosoever believeth in him
Shall not perish but have everlasting life
For the Son to say 'I came not to do my own will but the will of my father'
For the thief has come not to steal but to destroy but 
Christ had come so that we may have life and have it in abundance

'Do not be ashamed of me
For I am not ashamed of you'

What will it profit a man to gain the world and lose his own soul?
Our main purpose is to know him, love him and to serve 'him'
And in loving him, we love Christ, love others and learn to love ourselves.

'The more you trust God the less you struggle'

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds 


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