12 Success Quotes from Forbes

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"When you get women in roles of leadership,
We make things happen"
-Melinda Gates

12 Sucess Quotes From Forbes

"Education was very important to me.
I wanted to be someone. 
I wanted to haveis hian identity"
-Malaya YousIfzai
2014 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"When you have gained a certain amount of experience,
You find that a desire to help all people arises in you"
-Mikhall Prokhorov
Russian Billionaire

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is:
'What are you doing for others?"
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"In the real world of work, 
purpose finding is what leaders do"
-Robert E. Quinn, Author

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"It's better to hang out with people better than you.
Pick out associates whose behaviour is better than yours
and you will drift in that direction"
-Warren Buffett

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"Do not undervalue yourself. Be able to express your value
and what impact you can make.
Show how your experiences translate and can help a company".
-Katie Smith
Three-time olympic gold medalist 
& WNBA Assistant Coach

12 Sucess Quotes From Forbes

"If your heart sets out to do good things, 
things will only get better"
-Sheng-lin Andrew Tseng
Taiwanese Businessman

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"Unless we can join forces and recognize each other's humanity,
how can we do business together, 
let alone make progress on the increasingly complex 
and difficult problems in society?"
- Daniel Lubetzy
Founder and CEO of KIND

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"I have always been driven by the ambition to solve 
every problem I face"
- Martin Winterkorn
Former Volkswagen CEO

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"I think the truth of the matter is, 
people who end up as 'first' don't actually set out to be first.
They set out to do something they love and it just
so happens that they are the first to do it"
- Condolezza Rice

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

"One of the great things about getting outside of
Silicon Valley is that there are all sorts of extraordinarily
talented people in other industries you've never met"
-Disk Costolo, Ex-Twitter CEO

12 Success Quotes From Forbes

Celebrities and Famous People do not have two heads
they discovered the importance of staying true to themselves,
if they had a talent or gift they continued sharing it
with the world until 'Time' and 'Chance' 
happened to them all, the rest they say is 'history'
Buhari is a great example....
Express yourself in your true self.

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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