Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

"Once you function on being led by the spirit, you begin to avoid a lot of danger and then you are bound to make the right decisions in life. "

When you're spiritually awake, your decisions will not be rooted on what you can see with your eyes, your decisions will not be according to mental calculation, your decision will be based solely on guidance that yields from God. Many people do not receive guidance from the holy spirit, because the holy spirit gives voice to your spirit man and if you are not spiritually sensitive, you will eventually not be able to pick up information that the holy spirit is putting in your spirit.

These are the symptoms of spiritual awakening

1. An increased tendency to let things happen instead of making them happen.
2. Frequent attacks of smiling.
3. Feelings of being connected with others and nature.
4.  Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
5. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than fears based on past experience.
6. An unmistakable ability to enjoy every moment.
7. A loss of ability to worry.
8. A loss of interest in conflict.
9. A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.
10. A loss in interest of judging others.
11. A loss of interest in judging self.
12. Gaining the ability to love without expecting anything.

So we shall be answering the question of how to build your spiritual sensitivity, now if you do not invigorate your spiritual sensitivity, what happens is often you will depend on physical capacity and mental acumen. The holy spirit tells us that this will emphatically fail you. So let's read what God says about a man who puts 100% of his dependence on mental calculation and what he can see.

Jeremiah 17:5 Cursed is the one who puts his trust in man, who depends on flesh for his strength.
However, there is a curse that comes on you, when assemble plans, hope, and everything is based on your physical senses, the bible says you will not go far in life! The bible says further in Jeremiah 17 that 
"He will be like a bush in the waste land, and he will not see prosperity when it comes."
Why won't he see prosperity? Because his spirit man cannot receive information from God. A lot of people have built up their minds a lot, and the reason for that is the different things around you, the technological advancement, the improvement in medicine, aeronautical, engineering and all those advances are because people have developed their mind. We can also see the benefits of those developing the body, if you develop your body, you have an healthy lifestyle, you are even able to live very long but very few people develop the spirit!

If you develop the mind and you see the benefits of developing the mind, and body, what do you think will happen to you if you develop your spirit man? Of course you are going to move far ahead in life, so we are going to look at how somebody can develop the spirit man? How do you build up spiritual sensitivity, So that you will be able to pick up information from your spirit man.


The very first thing you have to do is having a prayer life. 

It will help you build spiritual sensitivity.
The bible tells us in 

Judge 10:20  Build up yourself in the most holy faith
1st Corinthians 14:4 He who speaks in an unknown tongue, he edifies himself
In other words, he who builds up himself, he strengthens his spirit man. What does it mean to pray in the spirit or to pray in tongues? 

When you are filled with the holy spirit and then pray, that way, it will enable you speak in other tongues, as you keep speaking and declaring in tongues, something is happening to your spirit man, you are building him up. The same way a student goes to school to learn as he sits in class, his mind is being re-educated, his mind is being developed. As he reads and engages in activities that build his mind, that is how your spirit man is re-energized when you pray, you are  giving way to your spirit man and you are developing spiritual sensitivity.
Also when you read the word of God, you are feeding your spirit man and your spirit man is growing.
Jesus said "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" He was not talking about the physical man, He was talking about the spirit man. The spirit man lives by the word of God, so if you want to build spiritual sensitivity you need to be somebody who knows how to read, you must feed your spirit with the word of God. A lot of times, you feed your body with three square meals a day, but then you feed your spirit man one cold snack a week in a whole month and you expect your spirit man to grow is not possible.

Another way of growing this spirit man sensitivity is to meditate on God's word, don't just depend on reading alone, you have to meditate. What does it mean to meditate on the word of God? It means that when you have read a line or two in the scripture, close your eyes and then think about what you have read, you know as you begin to think about it more, more light and revelation will come on what you have actually read. So this is what the bible was referring to in the book of Joshua
"If you want to have good success, if you want to prosper, even though I am with you, I need you to meditate upon the word day and night" the bible says "So that you shall have good success in life"

Another way you can build up your spirit man is fasting. What fasting does is that, it puts your flesh under, it puts your physical senses under and it allows your spirit man to come up. It allows your spirit man to become more sensitive. Now why is it when you fast, you get results in prayer. It is not that when you fast, God would say "this person is suffering, let me answer his prayer". No, what actually happens to you when you fast is that you will quieten the flesh and your spirit man comes up higher than your flesh and is able to become spiritually sensitive to pick information from God.
When your spirit man is alive and alert and you are praying in that stage, your prayers are very powerful, because your prayers are directed by the holy spirit. That is why it is important to pray, it is important to fast, it is important to study the word of God.

Stay Away From Sin
Another thing that you need to do to build up your spirit man is to stay away from sin and live a life of obedience. Do you know that every time you keep disobeying God, your spiritual sensitivity will be very weak. Stop living in disobedience. If God has said "Don't do this thing" please don't do it! There is no need, you cannot win the battle against the word of God, God made you!
He understands how life is meant to be, so that you would get the best out of life, but you can just decide that "It's my life I can do what I like!". God knows the best way to get out of life, so anything God tells you to do, just go ahead and do it! He will help you! and of course get involved in any sort of spiritual exercise.
The Bible says "Physical exercise profited little, but spiritual exercise gains this life and the life to come"
Examples of spiritual exercise is getting involved in activities, sowing seeds and basically any activities that will help you train, and not just sitting in church, there are spiritual classes like that you can go for, you are building up your spirit man, go for missions where you are talking to people about the Lord Jesus.

These are some of the things you will do and build up your spirit man, and nourish your spirit with the word of God, ensure that your spirit man is praying, ensure that you maintain a close work with God, ensure that you commune with God on a daily basis and you will realize that your spiritual sensitivity will begin to pick up and enjoy life!

We are God's Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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