Stress At Work (Tips To Reduce And Manage Job and WorkPlace Stress)

While some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity,
 and impact your physical and emotional health. 
And your ability to deal with it can mean the difference between success or failure. 

Stress At Work (Tips To Reduce And Manage Job and WorkPlace Stress)
You can learn how to manage job stress
You can't control everything in your work environment, 
but that doesn't mean you're powerless even when you're stuck in a difficult situation.
 Finding ways to manage workplace stress isn't about making huge changes
 or rethinking career ambitions, but rather about focusing on the one thing 
that's always within your control: you.

Tip 1
Recognize warning signs of excessive stress at work

Stress At Work (Tips To Reduce And Manage Job and WorkPlace Stress)
Signs and symvptoms
of eXCerssii»ve“r~j’ob and
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When you feel overwhelmed at work, 
you lose confidence and may become irritable or withdrawn. 
This can make you less productive and less effective in your job, 
and make the work seem less rewarding. 
If you ignore the warning signs of work stress, they can lead to bigger problems.
 Beyond interfering with job performance and satisfaction,
 chronic or intense stress can also lead to physical and emotional health problems.

Which could be due to:
Fear of being laid off.
More overtime due to staff cutbacks.
Pressure to perform to meet rising expectations but with no increase in job satisfaction.
Pressure to work at optimum levels all the time!

—Feeling anxious,  irritable,  or depressed
—Apathy,  loss of interest in work
—Problems sleeping


-Trouble conpe...

Tip 2
Reduce job stress by taking care of yourself

Stress At Work (Tips To Reduce And Manage Job and WorkPlace Stress)

When stress at work interferes with your ability to perform in your job, 
manage your personal life, or adversely impacts your health, its time to take action.
Start by paying attention to your physical and emotional health. 
When your own needs are taken care of, you're stronger and more resilient to stress.
 The better you feel, the better equipped you'll be to manage work stress 
without becoming overwhelmed.

You can equip yourself by:

Regular exercise is a powerful stress reliever.
Talk to an attentive listener.
Make food choices that keep you going.
Drink alcohol in moderation to avoid nicotine.
Get enough sleep.

Tip 3
Reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing

Stress At Work (Tips To Reduce And Manage Job and WorkPlace Stress)
Create a balanced schedule


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When job and workplace stress threatens to overwhelm you, 
there are simple steps you can take to regain control over yourself and the situation 
Your new found ability to maintain a sense of self-control in stressful situations 
will often be well-received by coworkers, managers, and subordinates alike, 
which can lead to better relationships at work. 
Here are some suggestions for reducing job stress
 by prioritizing and organizing your responsibilities.

Create a Balanced Schedule
Don't over commit yourself
Try to leave earlier in the morning
Plan regular breaks
Prioritize Tasks
Break Projects into small steps
Delegate Responsibility
Be willing to compromise

Tip 4
Reduce job stress by improving emotional intelligence

Stress At Work (Tips To Reduce And Manage Job and WorkPlace Stress)
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Reduce job stress. by i; }i%g bad li8bl...
Even if you're in a job where the environment has grown increasingly stressful,
 you can retain a large measure of self-control and self-confidence 
by understanding and practicing emotional intelligence.
 Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage and use your emotions 
in positive and constructive ways. 
When it comes to satisfaction and success at work,
 emotional intelligence matters just as much as intellectual ability. 
Emotional intelligence is about communicating with others in ways that draw people to you, 
overcome differences, repair wounded feelings, and defuse.

Social Awareness
Relationship Management

Tip 5
Reduce job stress by breaking bad habits

Stress At Work (Tips To Reduce And Manage Job and WorkPlace Stress)
Stress At Work (Tips to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress)

Many of us make job stress worse with negative thoughts and behavior. 
If you can turn around these self-defeating habits, 
you'll find employer-imposed stress easier to handle.

Resist perfectionism
Clean up your act
Flip your negative thinking
Don't try to control the uncontrollable

To read more, Visit


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