50 Things To Do By Yourself

    The greatest prison people live in, is the fear of what other people will think. The fear of what other people think of you will keep you trapped. It will prevent you from reaching your full potential, going after your goals, enjoying life to the fullest.

When you've stopped seeking external validation, you feel a freedom and a self sufficiency like no other. You'll say "I like me, I'm doing me right now. I have a plan and purpose in my life and I have much to do and to achieve".

1. Start your own vegetable patch or a herb garden,
2. Cook something that you have never made before.
3. Spend a day at a be Museum or Art Gallery.
4. Meditate, Sit, Be Still.
5. Make a list of how you want to feel.
6. Have dinner at a nice restaurant.
7. Read your favourite chapter from a book you love.
8. Go to a farmer's market.
9. Go for a walk in nature.
10. Make popcorn and have a movie night.
11. Listen to an album from start to finish without doing anything.
12. Go out a walk in nature.
13. See a film at the cinema.
14. Do a grocery shop at your favourite organic grocery.
15. Create a mixed tape or playlists.
16. Ride your bike.
17. Rearrange your wardrobe.
18. Declutter your home.
19. Visit the florist and pick out a bunch of flowers.
20. Create a calming space in your home.
21. Make an altar for your crystals, medication bowl a candles.
22. Donate your old books & clothes to charity
23. Paint, draw, sketch, write.
24. Make a Terrarium
25. Go somewhere in the city.
26. Go to a gig and dance like crazy.
27. Read up on your horoscope.
28. Send a handwritten letter to a friend.
29. Create a vision board and bring your next adventure to life.
30. Make an Acai bowl, topped with fruit, yoghurt & superfoods.
31. Light a candle, take a relaxing bath.
32.  Journal & declare your dreams.
33. Do a face mask.
34. Roll out your mat and do yoga to rejuvenate.
35. Think of 50 Questions and do some research.
36. Do a juice cleanse for the day.
37. Rearrange things in your room.
38. Give an old chest of drawers some fresh paint.
39. Give yourself a mini retreat weekend.
40. Sleep, doze or power nap as much as you need to.
41. Sip a cup of tea and look out the window.
42. Go to the park with some sandwiches a picnic blanket & a good book.
43. Catch up on all your favourite blog posts.
44. Travel or do a day trip.
45. Give yourself a manicure.
46. Wake up early to see the sunrise.
47. Go for a jog or walk by the beach.
48. Sign up for a course.
49. Sign up for a courage.
50. Make a gratitude list.

                            We are God' Perfect Creation
                                  Beautiful of all Worlds


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