10 Ways to Say No and Be Nice

A well-placed "No" can not only save you time and trouble. It can save your life: to anything that is hurting you, to standards that no longer serve you, to people who drain you of your creativity and expression, to beliefs that are not true to the real you.

How many times have you heard yourself saying yes to the wrong things: overwhelming requests, bad relationships, time-consuming obligations?

Good things can happen to you when you learn to say no. 

When you protect yourself from the people and situations that will hurt you. When you shield yourself from the stories and myths your colleagues, friends, family and institutions use to control you. When you finally say no to the inner conditioning and psychology that your brain forces on you in its misguided attempts to protect you.

Here are ten ways to say no and be nice:

1) Let me think about that.

2) Here's what will work for me.

3) Can I get back to you.

4) That doesn't work for me.

5) I appreciate you asking but I can't.

6) I know it's important but I can't.

7) Thanks, but this isn't going to work.

8) That isn't doable for me right now.

9) Oh, I wish I could!

10) I can help you find a solution.

"The difference between the successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything" - Warren Buffett 

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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