Don't Confuse Infatuation and Love

Jumoke  chicly dressed in a red long sleeved chiffon blouse tucked in a black skirt with an ebony scarf coiling expertly at her nape was not feeling well. She knew she could ask for a driver to take her home, But somehow she wanted to do it herself. "Please God. Tell me that I am dreaming" She pleaded fervently. Jumoke remained desolate, tears stung and flowed, down her eyes, her teenage dreams and aspirations of growing up, came crashing down her face, only if wishes were horses, she would be riding high.
For all her resolutions not to sulk today, she was not feeling well. She must not lose hope, albeit she refused to be despaired. Suddenly the car jerked, violently slouching forward, her eyes flew open and BASH!!! Jumoke would have fallen out of the car if not for strong arms that caught her.......

Love is a beautiful thing but some people stain it with their behavior. It's almost as if they lose their brains. They shirk responsibility, and think less reasonably. But the love that causes a person to lose his or mind is at best immature and at worst, infatuation.
One of the common misconceptions about marriage is that we think if we are in the right place, at the time, with the right person, love will "bite" us and we'll embark on a lifetime and bliss.
Suffice it to say that what many of us call love is not factual love but fatuous love. In other words, it is infatuation. Love is not blind. Love sees right. Infatuation is blind. Love is patient and secure; infatuation can't control itself. Infatuation is short-lived; love never fails. Infatuation is primarily concerned with what it can get. Infatuation can hardly think; love thinks hard. That's why love always finds a way to do what's right. The word "infatuated" actually means 'deprived of sound judgement' or 'inspired with foolish love'. Infatuation is lust. Love sees right, speaks right, thinks right and does right. Don't confuse lust and love. The truth is, love doesn't die because romance bows to reality. If two people who fall in love are willing to stand together in love through the challenges of life, romance can blossom again stronger and more resilient than ever,
"Don't be so much in love that you can't tell when it is raining"

"She didn't need to be saved. She needed to be found and appreciated for exactly who she was"
It's important to know who you are, to have a sense of self-worth, and to be clear on what you can and cannot tolerate in a relationship so that you don't waste your time trying to make it work with someone it was never meant to work out with. It's necessary for you to be committed to your own happiness and success, however you define it, before you start placing your happiness and success in the hands of someone else.
Being single is not just a relationship status. It also shows how strong enough a person is to enjoy life without depending on others. Personal growth is so important. You should never feel like the same person you were a year ago, while everyone else is talking 'relationship goals' you should be focused on making your personal goals a reality. 

I'm sure you have this idea in your head of what your ideal man looks like and does for a living. Now ask yourself if you are in the position to see him and receive him. You attract who you are. I'm sure if you think about different times of your life, you can see that you attracted and were attracted to different types of men and women based on your mindset. There are men and women out there who can sense vulnerability and low self-esteem and will use it against you if you are not careful.
As an empowered individual, you will be far less susceptible to attracting low-life's who will try to use and abuse you and be more capable of identifying them when they approach you. To understand that you, your life , and your time is  valuable is a powerful thing. This understanding will save you a lot of time, headache, and heartache.

It's better to know that you bring enough to the table than to spend your life trying to make up for what you think you lack in a relationship. You should never be in a position to feel like you have nothing if you don't have a companion. Within you is everything that you need to succeed. Knowing that you are capable of winning with and without a man. Understand that you are "a good thing" and the treasure to be found. Instead of focusing on your relationship status, focus on being best prepared for the relationship you deserve.

"It is easier to be patient when you know what to do with your time"   "It may look like God has forgotten you, most of your friends are testifying and nothing seems to be working for you. Wait, your season is coming!"

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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