5 Ways to get the most Out of your Lazy Day

The body just needs that no pressure, just a day when you are not feeling watched, overwhelmed or having to impress anyone. And I do firmly believe we all do have that 'lazy day'. Let me know which day of the week is your lazy day. Maybe it is in between the weekdays for those that do not do 9-5 jobs and most weekends for the working class. I feel I should be talking about motivational things but I personally think we all need to rest our body and slow down for a while and just be rested.  

"Eat better. Run more. Sleep earlier. Wake up earlier. Drink water. Eat fruits. Read books. Adventure. Talk less. Listen more. Feel  deeper. Love better. Open your eyes. Experience Life. Be happy".

Assuming all of us have a 'lazy day'. A day when we don't feel like doing anything.....It could even be on a Sunday or a Saturday. There are some Saturdays after Friday where we went partying or staying up to watch movies and stuff and incidentally, we don't really our Saturday right and the day gradually presumes to be a 'lazy day'. Then it could be a Sunday after Saturday, where we had so much going on with events and social activities, that we end up not going to church the next morning and just slack at home all day. 

Now you wake up in the morning feeling tired 😴  when you haven't  done anything! We then check our social media, where we would be telling ourselves 
"Really, I have worked hard all week, I need a break man" 
And then we might sum up the courage to do something productive but later, our self-consuming thoughts would takeover, we will be like 

"No worries let me just rest" 😁 
I know many of you fall into this because I usually do!  Like many of us I work 5 days a week and in the process get most of my other tasks done so that my weekends are completely free and fully replenish for the coming week. I mean  it's not bad actually, because after having a lazy day, I am pumped up, recharged, and ready to make the next day productive. Sometimes there is beauty in getting lost,  there is beauty in falling and getting back up.  I think it's the same with our human body and mind.

Here are five suggestions to get you beaming through your 'lazy day' in style and as a 'Boss'....

Engage in meditation - In order not to spend the lazy day ignorantly, take some time out and meditate on the things most important to you. A successful person meditates on things he finds hard to do, when he ponders over it with a relaxed mind, He comes up with simpler solutions to tackle the situation. He should be careful not to over plan as it is a lazy day, so chill and keep your cool and banish busywork. 

Unplug all devices - This might seem like an incredibly difficult thing to do but what would it matter if you miss one email, one social media notification, one call? You will get to see it later once you turn on your device. Take a walk outside, look around yourself, there are things more naturally beautiful to look at other than your screens. You might even get to notice things around the house that you have not noticed in days when you unplug. 

Time to pursue your interests - A lazy day away from your daunting work schedule is a wonderful time to pursue your other passions and interest, like me writing this blog post now. So why do nothing or things that don't count. Your hobbies and other activities are a potent force for happiness. Order that dress online that you have been eyeing, make that fabulous hairstyle you always wanted to make, watch that soccer game that has got everyone talking, bake that cake you so want to, go see a movie, watch comedy, laugh and enjoy yourself!

Take time to move your body - I have to literally force myself out of bed to do this one. I have difficulty getting up to take a quick jog. So the easiest thing for me to do is dance, once I get in tune with the music, rhythm and beats, I am off my bed in an instant, works every time 😀. Exercise does not just strengthen your body but relaxes your mind and inner peace as well! 

Make time for important relationships - I can not boast to be the most communicative person during the weekdays, but on my 'lazy day', I am bound to call or spend time with my loved ones. You know you have gotta deposit some love in your life. Whether it's children, a spouse or partner, parents, friends or pets, use part of the weekend to reconnect. Invite your friends over, cook them dinner, compliment your parents, tell them jokes, make them laugh, gist and talk about everything on your mind. Empty yourself a little!

Have a lazy day!

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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