A new definition of "Self-care"

"Self-care isn't always manicures, bubble baths & eating healthy food. Sometimes it's forcing yourself out of bed, take a shower and participate in life again" - Meredith Marple.

There has been a common misconception that self care is only about pampering and lavishing yourself with less stressful activities. We really need to get over the thought that self-care means being 'selfish' and paying attention to ourselves more than others. 

All these misconceptions bring into light the question, what really is self-care? How do we go about it? If it's not about going on a shopping spree, eating healthy, having privileged luxury or going to the spa? Self-care should be a bit more thoughtful. A new definition of self-care is going out of your way to do things outside your normal 'Self-care' notion.

The "You" of Today is a different person from Yesterday -The more you begin to realize that you are speaking to a new person each day, the more power you gain over what you do "today"

The mind is the powerhouse of self-discipline and will power is subject to what you're willing toward. To achieve self-mastery, you must understand that your daily thought patterns can be easily renewed the following morning by what you convince yourself of today.

So, act as if today is the only day left in your existence. Act as if today is the day you decided you would be on your best behavior while keeping in the back of your mind that "I will rest tomorrow". The idea, in the back of your mind, of you taking a break tomorrow will give you that extra push to make sure you outperform yourself TODAY.
Talk yourself into working your butt off today so you can rest tomorrow.  

Learn to Write off Unfortunate Experiences - Sometimes we encounter re-occurring situations in our life because we fail to remember what we've learned from the last one.

When one door closes, ask yourself "What did I learn from this, where did I go wrong, and what could I have done better?" Because chances are, if you did not get the results you anticipated, there is always 'something' you could have done better.
Clean and organize your living as well. You'd be surprised how that could mess with your mental health.  

Practice Deep Breathing - Deep breathing improves every situation. You fill your lungs with air and your body with stillness. Pure love. You focus on the present moment and not the next one. Starter deep breathing: In breath - 3 to 5 count, Hold - 2 count and Out breath - 3 to 5 count.

If you've not been feeling too great about yourself then give yourself a new story. Think of the most awesome, well rounded, successful individual that you can imagine. Then, do a little something every day, no matter how small, to become that person.
 Just take a deep breath and take it all in! 

Move Your Body. A lot - Any chance you get, move your body.  Movement creates motivation and purpose. Moving opens the flow of energy and creativity. Don't make a fuss - just do it! Move your shoulders. Go for a brisk walk. Go up and down the stairs.

Whenever you are not feeling too confident, just strike a power pose in the mirror and go for it!

Stretch your Muscles Daily - Stretching lengthens your muscles and prevent injury. Make a date - time & space - to stretch daily. Stretches bring you closer to your body. Learn new stretches - spice it up! Stretch on a yoga mat. Stretch with bands. Stretch on your chair or floor.
Success is a product of effort...Stretching beyond your limits little by little will get you there.

We are God's Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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