Choose To Be Authentic!!!

I live by choice, not by chance;
to make changes, not excuses;
to be useful, not used;
to excel, not to compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self-pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
Not the random opinions of others.
I choose to be me.

It is often common that as a nice person you find yourself as a people-pleaser. You always make an effort to make sure you have satisfied everyone around  you. You can't say no because you will most likely upset your colleagues. And you can't  say no because you feel guilty and scared that no one will like you anymore, I get you, but saying yes to everything even if it means leaving you physically and emotionally wrecked is sad.
"You can't put everybody on and not everyone can come"
You soon realize that this act of being a darling to all will leave you exhausted and fatigued. Maybe one of the hardest pill I've had to swallow and the most difficult lessons I have had to learn is this one. No matter how badly you want to bring people along your journey, not everyone is meant to come. Although losing people due to growth can be painful, it's natural and necessary. It's a tough world out here so if you have a dream, you have to protect it. If you have a passion for something, you can't let anyone take that from you. 

"Saying no doesn't make you a bad person but you are factoring in your limits and boundaries. You are only looking at what you can possibly do without hurting yourself"

No one is going to give you anything or swoop in and save you. If you want to reach a goal, you can't let anything or anyone get in your way. I used to see a meme that said "support those who support you" and I used to disagree with it because I felt like I could be superwoman and support everybody even if they didn't support me. That was until I experienced what it felt like to have given so much of myself, but didn't receive half as much. You can't pour from an empty cup. You can't be everything to everybody. You can't put everybody on. Everybody can't come. That's the truth. That's life. Live and Learn.

"You can't pour from an empty cup, take care of yourself first"

If you have always come forward and volunteer to be of assistance, turning down a request can also indirectly empower others who were in your shadows. A no in this case has double impact, freeing up your time whilst elevating the next person.

Just like any change, if people were always used you expecting a yes from you, a No will certainly invite resistance. Chances are people don't always notice how much they rely on you until you step back.

Saying no is not a reflection of your personality but is an indicator that you are taking charge of your next steps whilst shielding away from distractions. By saying no to some things or people you are also making time for either building your dream or pursuing more important things in your life.

Go ahead and say NO.

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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