Don't give up easily....Fight 😊


You might be at a place in life where you are beginning to question your progress. Your plans are yet to pan out but everyone you know seems to be flourishing. Every person on your social media and network is doing much better than you are. It could be that you are still battling with your career, business is at its lowest or whatever plan you have isn't taking off as anticipated. You feel dejected 😥, about to give up and losing faith in your journey is different from the next person. We might all start at the same time but your dreams might take longer than you desire or even faster than expected. Never question or doubt your journey just because you are yet to achieve whatever you have planned. Know that it is still okay for your dreams to be realized at a later time 🙏. It might appear as if things are taking longer but realize you are getting lined up with the right people, right opportunities and even getting your mind-set ready for your next level.

You can be grinding for 4 years with no results, and on the 5th year become the biggest thing on the planet. The power of never giving up is real.

Some dreams are just way too big they can't be achieved in a year or two. Despite putting in the grind, the long hours, and the persistence nothing gives as quickly as you want. Seems like a waste of effort or time. Just like any other person in quest for something big, you will get tested until you reach your breaking point. Your breaking point comes when you feel you have done the best you can and can't put anymore energy. This is a point that defines greatness and separates the achievers from the dreamers. You can't afford to let your dreams slip away but dig for the inner energy in you and keep pushing 💪forward. 

I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Jesus name. - Philippians 3:14
Sometimes you can even get tempted to give up before putting any effort knowing well how tough😱 and challenging to make the huge break. There is no amount of setback or challenge that can knock you down- you are much stronger than you think. Your dream could be the next biggest thing that the world is waiting for. When you feel like giving up, whether the circumstances are complex or the problem seem insurmountable, the most functional response to getting knocked down is to get back up. You've got to maintain the belief that no matter how long it may take 😇, the universe isn't stacked against you. For as long as you are alive, one way or the other something will give. 

At 23, Janet was getting her Hollywood walk of fame star

At 23, Oprah was getting fired from her first gig          

There is nothing impossible, I mean nothing. It doesn't matter how many times you try, the only choice you have is to keep trying until you succeed. It has been done in the past and you too are about to leave a legacy of your own😎. Image what the world would be if some of the most prominent and successful innovators, entrepreneurs or engineers had given up. People never want to be part of the process, but they want to be part of the outcome. The process is where you figure out who's worth being part of the outcome. It doesn't matter how long it has taken you - believe in yourself and know that one day your special dream will come to pass. Know that you have everything it takes, tower over problems, remain persistent and more importantly NEVER GIVE UP.

I am going into 2018 fully focused and fully humbled. If it's not contributing to my growth, I'm not worried about it.

What is more important is for you to remain focused, to have faith and to know that the delays and challenges are good for your growth👸. You owe it yourself to believe in your dreams and to remain persistent and patient. Things might not happen for you today but that doesn't mean you will not make it tomorrow and MADE IT BIG. Have a new approach, whatever the struggles you are facing and be proud of your position, be resilient🔥 and trust that through this process you will emerge stronger and better.

Amen 🙏
Don't give up easily....Fight 😊

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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