Behind every real man is his past, not his woman

"Behind every real man is his past, n ot his woman. A real man keeps his queen by his side, n ot behind him." ~realmenmovement Not every man has his 'alone' past behind him. Some men are so careful not to spoil their past . They have focused, secluded and purpose driven lives.... They know where they are going, they have direction, how to achieve it, and almost how to get there!!! It is very important for them to choose their thoughts carefully, whatever they surely dream is bound to become manifest. They might display what looks like insensitivity.... That is only because they are focused on the future..... "It is not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages" -Friedrich Nietzsche And when they meet their queen...... The woman molded for them, their 'help-meet' What happens??? Will they give up their so perfect or non perfect past life And allow the woman of their dreams ...