Like a Bird on a Tree...Believe in Yourself!

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking Because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. Always believe in yourself! I have often heard the slogan "Fake it till you make it" This evening, I pondered over one particular article on the internet, the writer had exclaimed that most people do not do the adequate work and research, that comes with building an ever sustaining business brand in today's economy. It stated clearly 'Do not fake it till you make it" Wait hold on! I thought it was to be "Fake it till you make it!" Why the reverse? I have heard a lot of people say that it is the only thing that has helped them survive turbulent low self esteem situations. Like a Bird on a Tree... " If you feel like you shouldn't be somewhere: Fake it, Do it not until you make it-but until you become it " ~Amy Cuddy, For me, fake it until you make it does not always mean pu...