A New Beginning

There is something about the sunlight
New rays to clear up the night
To take away our sorrow and pain
To smoothen all the heart could contain
That made tears drop from our eyes
As we heard thunders from the skies

Oh oh we could not hear the birds
Oh oh we could not feel the works
The works we often wake up to
When we feel there's nothing else to do
The sweet words the birds could sing
Feeling the essence of our very being

A response of stimuli you hear
Crow crow crow crow
Their sounds tingles your hair
Every now and then they go

The sun radiates all
The soil cultivates all

How much sand is in the soil
Every sparrow that falls
The mountains and the seas
He is in control of the see
Creatures great or small

So go ahead and turn a new leaf
And you will climb a new cliff
The call of of all things
To produce your offspring

Yours Always


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