Quote of the day - Justin B

"No matter how talented you are, Not everybody is going to like you.
But that's life, Just stay strong."
-Justin Bieber

You have to accept the fact that not everybody is going to like you,
 not everybody is going to accept you, 
and you certainly cannot keep everybody happy. 
Some people will find fault, no matter what you do. 
You can be there for them a thousand times in a row, 
but they will remind you repeatedly of that one time when you couldn't show up.

Yes, we should be kind and loving, 
but don't spend too much time trying to please somebody who is impossible to please. 
Until they deal with their own issues on the inside, 
they are not going to be happy. 

Say "I'm not going to play up to them.
I'm not going to try to keep them happy, 
because I know no matter what I do or don't do, 
a month later, they're going to be running me down". 

Tremendous freedom results when you accept the fact 
that not everybody is going to like you.

The Scripture says in Proverbs, 
"A gossiping, fault-finding tongue is like a venomous snake."
 A person's words can poison your life, if you allow them to do so. 
The longer you think about it, the more venom goes into you.

If somebody relates something uncomplimentary 
that another person may have said about my family or me, 
I try to stop them as quickly as possible. 

I'll say, "I don't really want to hear that.
 I don't want that poison to get inside me". 

Remember, most of the time, it's not really about you. 
It's about the fact that they haven't dealt with that jealous, critical spirit on the inside.

Unfortunately, sometimes, the nicer you are, 
the more people will talk about you. 
The good in you seems to stir up the bad in them. 
They feel convicted by the purity of your heart. 
You can feed the poor; you can mow your neighbor's lawn; 
you can take in a person who needs a place to live temporarily. 
You'd think your critics would be happy. 

But no, here comes that jealous spirit: 
"Well, who does he think he is? Mr Goody Two-shoes? 
Why does she get to work early every day? 
He's just playing up to the boss. 
Why is she so friendly to everybody all the time? 
She's just trying to get something."

The best thing you can do is ignore the slingers.
They won't put forth the effort to be their best,
so they feel like they need to tear you down to help ease their consciences. 
When you hear those negative comments or false accusations, 
just remind yourself, 
"No big deal, it's just another slinger.
 I have already made up my mind; 
No more stones are going into my well. 
I'm going to live my life in freedom".

You ought to be able to laugh at yourself. 
Don't let unwarranted criticism create stress in your life. 
Stay focused on what God has in store for you!!!!

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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