Conquering Your Fear of Lack

"But they who seek (inquire of and require) the Lord 
{by right of their need and on the authority of His Word},
 none of them shall lack any beneficial thing'
- Psalm 34:10

It's okay to grow up in poverty, as long as the poverty does not grow up in your thinking. 
One celebrity was asked how he felt about growing up in poverty. Amazingly, he confessed that he still suffered anxiety over having  enough in the future. So he tended to be overly frugal, viewed his money as somewhat surreal, and wasn't able to relax and enjoy the blessings that come with success. 
However, his wife had brought balance to the relationship with the mindset of give, spend, and save. 

Who do you believe is responsible for your success, yourself or God?

As long as you are, you'll remain vulnerable to people, circumstances, and economic conditions. But when you know God's responsible for your success, what you gain you can maintain. 
So your options are: trust yourself - or God! The psalmist writes: 
'There is no want to those who truly revere and worship Him with godly fear. The young lions lack food and suffer hunger, but they who seek (inquire of and require) the Lord {by right of their need and on the authority of His say, '

'But that's an Old Testament promise'. 

Then here's a New Testament one
 'God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work' (2 Corinthians 9:8).

'The Lord is my Shepherd....I shall not lack.'  Psalm 23;1

Why does the Bible compare us to sheep? Because they're one of the most dependent creatures in the world; they must trust in the shepherd for everything they need.  And that's how God wants you to live: in dependence on Him. When you constantly live in the fear of lack, you're not trusting God enough. 

The core fear drives many of our other fears, including the fear of becoming disabled, or the fear of ageing, or the fear of investing, or the fear of retiring poor.

In its extreme form, fear of lack can lead to anxiety that requires you to live on tranquilizers and medication. It's also one of the root causes of greed. You can become so obsessed  with insuring yourself against the possibility if not having enough, that you hoard more than you'll ever need. 

It can drive you to become a workaholic so that neither you  nor your children will experience discomfort, inconvenience and helplessness. And like all fears, it's based on an erroneous belief about God - in particular,  His ability and willingness to take care of you. 

'The Lord is my Shepherd {to feed, guide, and shield me}, I shall not lack.'

Stop living as though you don't believe what God has promised you! A good strategy to learn the promises, understand the ones that are conditional, meet the conditions, and rest in His love and faithfulness. This doesn't mean you sit idly by and wait for God to do what He has given you the ability to do. 

You must do the natural things, and trust Him for the supernatural ones. 

For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly. (Psalm 84:11)

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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