The word of today - 2 Corinthians 12

2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made in perfect weakness"
I've heard it said, 
"The anointing to us is like gasoline to a car". 

You can have the most expensive car with a huge engine, a beautiful exterior, and luxuries inside, but if you don't put gasoline in it, it's not going to do you much good. In a similar way, you've been made in the image of Almighty God. 

You are full of incredible potential. 
You have seeds of greatness. 
The fuel you need to release your greatness to overcome obstacles, 
and to accomplish dreams is the anointing on your life. 
The anointing is only activated where there is faith. 

Instead of complaining about how it's not going to work or how you'll never accomplish your dreams, turn that around and start declaring.
 "I am anointed. i am equipped. i am empowered. I am well able." 
When you have this attitude of faith and are speaking words of victory, you are putting fuel in your car. You're stirring up your anointing. That's when you'll go places that you couldn't go on your own. That's when you'll see breakthroughs. Situations will suddenly change in your favor.

You may work around people who are negative and hard to get along with. It's easy to think, I can't stand going to work. These people get on my nerves. That's draining your fuel. Your car is not going to run properly. God wouldn't have you there if you couldn't handle it.

Have a new perspective. You've been anointed to work in that difficult environment. You're anointed to put up with cranky co-workers. You're anointed to deal with a grouchy boss. Quit telling yourself how difficult it is and start declaring, 
"I am anointed. I'm going to enjoy my job. I'm going to put a smile on my face. I'm going to be good to people. This is the day the Lord has made. I'm going to choose to be happy." 
When you do that, God will fight your battles. God will move the wrong people out of the way. He will get you to where you're supposed to be.

Maybe you're raising a child who's difficult. It's taking a lot of time and effort. You don't see how you can keep doing it. You have to remind yourself that you are anointed to raise your child. God didn't just put you there and say
 "All right. Good luck. You're on your own. Let's see what you can do." 
He has already equipped and empowered you for every situation. Stop talking about how hard it is and start declaring, 
"I can do all things through Christ. I am strong in the Lord. I am well able to raise my children."
You have to stir up the anointing. That's what keeps you moving forward.

Perhaps you're dealing with an illness. It hits you unexpectedly. You could be discouraged, let it overwhelm you, and complain, 
"I can't believe this is happening to me". 
Instead, have a new perspective. That sickness is not a surprise to God. it didn't catch God off guard. He has already anointed you. You have the strength, the peace, the determination, and the confidence you need. You're not lacking. You're anointed. The forces that are for you are greater than the forces that are against you! 

In those difficult times, you have to declare what Isaiah stated: 
"The anointing on my life is breaking every yoke." 
"The anointing is greater than this cancer". 
"The anointing is greater than this depression." 
"The anointing is causing me to overcome." 
Every time you say, 
"I am anointed," 
chains are broken. Fear has to leave. Depression has to go. Healing comes. Strength comes. faith comes.

We all have things come against us. It's easy to lose our passion and drag through life discourages, negative and bitter, but there is no victory if you finish your course that way. You have to make up your mind,

"I'm not only going to finish my course; I'm going to finish it with joy, with a good attitude. Not complaining, but thanking God for what I do have. Not looking at what's wrong in my life,but thanking God for what's right in my life."

When you tap into finishing grace, you won't drag through the day. You will enjoy your day!

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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