15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood

1. Cilantro

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood

This aims in removing heavy metals from the bloodstream.

2. Tumeric

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood

Curcumin helps aid in liver function and speeds up the detoxification 
process to purify the blood.

3. Apple

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood

Phytonutrients are essential to the body's natural detoxifying system,
which purifies the blood and keeps it free of toxic elements.

4. Leafy Greens

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood
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Loaded with powerful vitamins and minerals, adding these to the diet 
is the best way to purify the blood.

5. Dandelion

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood
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Packed with antioxidant and other phytonutrients that eliminate toxins
and free radicals from the bloodstream.

6. Broccoli Sprouts

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood
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Contains 20 times the amount of sulfurophane, which has strong detox
properties that can help purify the blood.

7. Beets

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood
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Purifies the blood from toxins and free radicals by stimulating the liver.

8. Flaxseed

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood
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High in fiber, which eliminates blood sugar and eliminates toxins 
in the blood.

9. Garlic

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood
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Full of sulfur, an essential mineral the body needs in order to 
get rid of toxins in the blood.

10. Lemons

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood

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Contains a high amount of vitamin C, but they are also highly acidic
and eliminates toxins found in the blood.

11. Avocado

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood

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Glutathione helps the liver purify the blood by getting rid of 
free radicals and toxins.

12. Basil

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood
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A natural diuretic, this helps eliminate toxins in the bloodstream
and gets rid of infections.

13. Parsley

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood
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An effective diuretic that helps the kidneys function efficiently 
so they can purify the bloodstream.

14. Blueberries

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood
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Have anti-inflammatory properties that help ensure blood flows
through the body.

15. Carrots

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood

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Rich in glutathione, an essential protein that helps the liver 
cleanse the blood.

15 Foods That Will Purify Your Blood

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