10 Leadership & Management Quotes

10 Leadership and Management Quotes

"Leadership is somewhere akin to playing a symphony
or if I were a painter, creating a painting. 
It is not accounting. 
It is not flying an airplane.
It's an art"
-Chris Hadfield

10 Leadership and Management Quotes 
"Trust is the conduit for influence: 
It's the medium through which ideas travel"
-Amy Cuddy

10 Leadership and Management Quotes 
"The simple act of paying positive attention
to people has a great deal to do with productivity"
-Tom Peters

10 Leadership and Management Quotes 
"Sometimes I succeed, 
Sometimes I fail, 
But everyday is a clean slate and a fresh opportunity"
-Gretchen Rubin

10 Leadership and Management Quotes 
"Getting mad at people for being who they are,
makes as much sense as getting mad at a chair for being a chair"
-Marshall Goldsmith

10 Leadership and Management Quotes 
"I am becoming increasingly convinced that the ability
to have conflict effectively is the holy grail of team effectiveness"
-Liane Davey

10 Leadership and Management Quotes 
"The simple but transformative act of a leader,
expressing appreciation to a person 
in a meaningful and memorable way 
is the missing accelerator that can do so much
and yet is used sparingly"
-Chester Elton

10 Leadership and Management Quotes 
"Whatever I do, work or home life,
I do with everything I have"
-Captain Philips

10 Leadership and Management Quotes 
"A leader can be very destructive or very inspiring.
It comes down to their level of emotional intelligence"
-John Mackey

10 Leadership and Management Quotes 
"How should I perform to win trust with these people?
That for me stands way more chance 
of winning business than,
have we got the right slides?"
-Mark Rowden

When you have invested so much in your life
Your life becomes all the invested
Whatever you put in 
Whatever you put out

The rules of investment in life equals in 100%
Except there is excess in either
One can not know why its not 100%
Except the excess is always over
Always remember over is never over
Until God gives you over 
In excess which is never 

About what you put out 
you will be forced to put in
 to make it 100%

"Listen to me, We're her to make a dent in the universe,
Other wise why even be here?
-Steve Jobs

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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