What's Slowing You Down - Overcome Procrastination

"Never put off for tomorrow, what you can do today" - Thomas Jefferson

Yes, procrastination! We have all been down that road , days will come where we would wanna put off a large task ahead of us to the following day or maybe next month or next year or maybe never! The cycle goes on and on and we blame ourselves on why we can't seem to get anything done on time. We nearly miss deadlines and fail to seize opportunities at the right time, because we are inadequate. This used to be so me! But thank heavens, I am more than a conqueror when it comes to procrastination. It starts with little steps...one step at a time....one decision at a time....and then the impossible will seem possible. Its always impossible until it is done!

Are you procrastinating in some areas of your life till it becomes a big crisis? Do you get frustrated at yourself for routinely procrastinating in some areas of your life?

Just think of seven reasons why we tend to procrastinate so much in life: "It doesn't matter", "I need to do ........ first", " I need more information to get started", "I feel overwhelmed and have too much going on",  "I don't have time right now",  "I keep forgetting to do it" or " I don't feel like doing it".

What's Slowing You Down - Ways to Overcome Procrastination

1. Remember, in life you only get to run once, so run to win. To avoid stumbling and losing your place in the race, don't look back. You can't change the past but you can learn from it. Don't be anxious about the next lap, just focus on the next step. If you miss that, you may fall and not get up again. Keep going, and before you know it you'll have more laps behind you than ahead of you. Make every one count.

2. Many of us carry the weight and worry of burdens. But older and wiser have come to understand their burdens are of no real importance. We waste our strength extinguishing fires that if left alone would burn out on their own. Time is your most valuable resource. Save it, and you've increased your assets and decreased your liabilities. Travel light, Ditch the baggage of self-sabotaging habits and pointless fears. There are enough painful trails in life, why endure the ones you can "strip off"?

When blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was within reach, he threw off his coat so it wouldn't trip him up, and ran toward Him. And his faith paid off: "Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus" (Mark 10:52). You'll never know how successful you can be until you get rid of the things that slow you down and trip you up. 

3. Complaining doesn't help. Here's why: (1) Complaining usually makes things worse. The cycle goes like this. You have a problem so you complain and stay stuck. You feel bad, so you complain even more and end up with stress, but not a solution. (2) Complaining won't get you where you need to go. When you overlook your blessings and dwell on your problems, you lose your joy.

 4. Give more room for the important tasks. Procrastinate on low-value tasks to give room for the more valuable ones. Eat the biggest frogs first. The bigger frog is the more difficult task.
"The first rule of frog eating is this: If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first." - Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog.

5. Prepare mentally for something. When you have a big event to prepare for, You can skip other tasks to give you more room to think and prepare for it mentally.
Are the Steps and plans very clear. Make sure that you understand how to proceed forward. Write down the project or task into sequential steps and begin with the first one.
Ask if you need the last minute anxiety and stress? Seek assistance or delegate tasks that you find anxious to do...

"Let us strip off every weight that slows us down." Hebrews 12:1

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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