Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain

Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain

Living in this digital age, almost everyone handles electronic devices
of one form or another (especially those with visual displays)
~ Computers, smartphones, tablets, e-readers.

Image result for computers
Whether we are aware of it or not, 
due to the excessive exposure to these devices, 
We have all become very susceptible to "Digital Eye Strain"

This includes tired eyes, red eyes, dry eyes, blurred vision, eye twitching,
as well as increased itchiness, irritation, tearing and sensitivity of light.

These eye-related problems, in turn, lead to other problems
like physical fatigue, back pain, neck pain, headache, decreased productivity
and increased numbers of work errors.

Since the avoidance of these devices seems most unlikely,
then the best way to go is to find solutions to cope with such situations.

Here are 4 simple exercises and 3 tips that'll rejuvenate your eyes,
as well as help you reduce the eye strain

And they are completely free and natural.

Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain

Image result for blinking
Blink Frequently
We tend to blink less when we work on the computer or read from the tablet,

Tears coating the eye evaporate more rapidly during long non-blinking periods 
and this can cause dry eyes.

Blinking helps moisten the eye and improve comfort.

Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain

Eye Rolling
Roll your eyes slowly, tracing as big a circle as possible.

Go for 4 rounds clockwise, then anti-clockwise.

Close your eyes and relax for 15-20 seconds.

Repeat the entire process 3 times.

Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain

Place your thumb about 10 inches in front of your face and focus on it.

Then, focus on an object that is 10-20 feet in front of you without moving your head.

After 10-15 seconds. re-focus on your thumb.

Repeat 3-5 times.

This helps maintain your current vision level.

Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain

Rub your hands together for about 10 to 15 seconds till they are warm.

Close your eyes and cup your palms lightly over your eyes
(without applying pressure on the eyeballs) and relax.

Remove your palms after 6-8 seconds and repeat the entire process
for about 2 minutes.

This helps spread the tear film in your eyes evenly and relaxes them.

Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain

Adjust the Brightness
Adjust the brightness of the display so it's about the same as the brightness 
of your surrounding or work environment.

For Windows based desktop PC, you can adjust the brightness 
directly on the (buttons of) monitor itself.

For laptop or AIO, the settings may vary,
depending on the make and model.

Check the product manual and if you don't have it,
you should be able to download it from the manufacturer's website.

Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain
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Get Proper Eyewear

If you are like me - one who wears glasses - you are more likely to benefit
by getting yourself a customized computer glasses that comes with a special layer
of Anti-Reflective Coating (aka Anti-Glare Coating)

For those of you who prefer contact lenses, you might like to consider 
switching to Silicone Hydrogel lenses.
They are said to offer more comfort than regular soft lenses among computer users.

With that being said, it is always wisest to first consult your eye specialist
before making any decision.

Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain
Adjust The Text

Generally, this applies to all browsers and you can use this KEYBOARD combinations
to increase or reduce the text sizes while you read in a browser.

Ctrl and + will increase text size
Ctrl and - will reduce text size
Ctrl and 0 will default text size.

Exercises and Tips To Reduce Eye Strain

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