I'm 25 having a Quarter Life Crisis

Turning 25 years old is a roller-coaster ride!!! I hope this post would be relatable to people turning 25 or in their teens who think 25 is going to be this amazing time. If you are older, you are going to know what goes on in our minds after this post. Maybe this might be the wake-up call that we need and look at life more realistically, because I knew that when I was younger I used to say
"When I am 25, I want to have that house, get married, get that money, be on top of my career, I am going to be focused". 
How much pressure have we put on turning 25. And the thing is the years between 20 and 25 go super fast!!! And you probably won't believe me till it happens to you, turning 16 just seemed like the other day.

When I turned 25 around October last year, I was like "get your life together". It's like you were 24 years a few days ago, now you are suddenly 25 and think you have to get yourself together!! Get things in order!! No you are no longer a kid!! When you turn 25, it's like you have to be so on point! I have to suit and boot up and take on the world. It's sobering to accept you have no choice but to be responsible now. You can't be nonchalant about paying your bills.

16 years vs 25 years

When you' re 25 years old, society views you as an adult but inside you still feel like a child. Sometimes you just want to go to your mom's room and snuggle up in her bed and say "No I don't want to be an adult today." But society is like 
"You have to get up, you have to get a job, you have to put yourself together and know what you are doing with your career".

And I don't know about you guys, but all that pressure can be so overwhelming especially when you are not doing all those things, or you feel you are not where you supposed to be in life. It is just unrealistic!!! Society expects you to have a job, to save up, to travel the world and have enough money to buy a car. I feel at 25, you have so much passion and you just want to be great!! There is so much desire, you want to be this and you want to be that! We go on Instagram and we see people doing what we are supposed to do and it's frustrating looking at where you want to be knowing you are still where you are.

Turning 25 can cause depression and so much anxiety for the future. And I just know I am not the only one who feels like this at 25.
"At 25, you are becoming but you have not become yet!"
At 25 your life is just beginning, you are moving out of 20's, you are moving out of your baby mindset, you are moving out of expectations that other people are responsible for you. You are becoming more responsible. You are becoming an adult. You are becoming but you have not become yet. Turning 25 years is not old!!! We know to take it easy and not put so much pressure on ourselves because we are still learning to walk. 

You should know that time is too short to worry all the time.

Whatever you are afraid to do, just go ahead and do it. You are forced to face your fears and fly at 25. Most people don't face their fears in their 20's and end up carrying the same fear into their 30's and 40's. When you are 25, you want to face your fear head on, do what scares you the most! What you fear should be the very thing that you want to do. It's would open a new door and you move to another level. No one likes stagnancy which is what leads to a life of depressions. We are too young to be depressed and we are too young not to take the bulls by the horn. You are still young and fit enough, so just do it!!!

You are thinking of starting a YouTube channel, hurry up, just do it!

You are thinking of starting a Business, hurry up, just do it!

You are thinking about quitting your job and travel the world, hurry up, just do it!

You have got enough savings, hurry up, just do it!

You are only young once. Time is short and tomorrow is not promised. Do something that would shake your world a bit more. At 25, you get to a stage that you are just bored with the formalities of life and you just want to do something exciting.

You should know the importance of saying no.

Typically, we women are not confrontational, we don't want to shake tables, we don't want to rock the boat, we don't want to overstep and we really do not want to trouble others. Asking for what you want and refusing what you don't want is your God-given right. When you don't stand up for what you want in life, nobody loses but you. You do!

You don't have to say yes to everything and turning 25 means you've got that figured out. If you're tired on a Friday night after a long week at work and all you want to do is just curl up in bed with a good book, say no to Friday night drinks. Life can be more fulfilling if you do things for yourself instead of what people expect you to and you're old enough to know that.

In 2019, we are learning to say no, actually no, actually I deserve better than this, actually I am good.

You should know that it's okay to not know everything.

Relax, you are still so young, you have so many years ahead of you. There is no race. You are not racing against anyone. You are racing against yourself. Don't compare yourself to anyone online. 
"25 is not having it together. 25 is getting it together".
Yes that person bought a new house, a new car. But focus on your own grass. Most times, you don't know the work they put in to get there. Most of us are going to be making slow progress and that's beautiful!!! You learn so much about yourself along the way and so much about life.  When you turn 25, there is an arrogance that comes with it. Yes, you know you are to be responsible now! However, people in their 40's and 50's would tell you
 "You don't know anything". 
So let us be open to learning. Let us sow today what we will reap tomorrow. Start where you are and do what you can. Stay focused on your own goal. Write your vision and make it plain.

You should know that being a quarter of a century old is really not that bad.

Another advice I would give anyone turning my age is to trust yourself. We have moved out of our teen years when everything was done for us. You mom calls the doctor to book your appointment. But now, you are at the stage you have to do it yourself. So trust yourself that you are old enough to be doing what you are doing. And never feel like an impostor. We have to fake it till we make it. You still feel like a child inside, but outside we are seen as grown-ups. You should know that confidence is sexy. Stand up tall, keep your chin up and look straight ahead of you. Your personality shines brighter than the sun.  No one knows it all, we are all just going with the flow. Never feel bad, just trust yourself. Yes, you are going to fall down but it's all just part of the story that is worth reading ten years from now. 

Lastly, let nobody lie to you, it takes a while to build a life that is beautiful, it takes a while to build a house that is beautiful on a rock, It literally takes no time to build a house on sand, but only the one built on a rock would stand the test of time. Please have faith in your patience. Have faith in the right thinking. Faith says "do not go for that overcrowded, uncomfortable bus because in 5 mins another bus will come, more fitting and more comfy for you" And you say "I may not see it now but I choose to believe that it is coming".

If you enjoyed this post you can also read........23 Things Learnt at 23

"There is nothing in your past powerful enough to disqualify you from your future"

We are God's Perfect Creation 
Beautiful of all Worlds


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