Never compare you to another! - Direction is more important

Never worry about the delay of your success compared to others
because the construction of a palace takes more time
than an ordinary building.

"Direction is more important than speed, 
many are going nowhere fast"

Direction is far more important than speed,
your life is never standing still.
It is always taking you somewhere.
Is it taking you in the direction you talk about?
Is that direction forward or in sameness circles?
You can go as fast as you want, but not having an end goal in mind,
gets you nowhere, 
because you don't really have a destination.

What such people fail to do is, see the best in their very 'self'
When you establish your path,
You worry far less about the next person because there is no need to 
look left or right, you are swimming in your own lane
and you don't have to worry about collision.

The tendency to compare can leave you feeling inferior 
or put you in a mediocre level. 
Instead when you focus on you, and trust in you,
Competition becomes non existent.
Less energy is dissipated competing with other women
but rather innovating and creating better things.
The day you stop focusing on competition,
is the day you free yourself from mediocrity and graduate into a stronger person.

Stop Comparing,
Stop Competing
And Start Creating.

"Because she competes with no one,
no one can compete with her"
-Lao Tzu

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


  1. my fathers house (us) are many mansions" like that.....

  2. my fathers house (us) are many mansions" like that.....

    1. Yes oh...we have mansions in house of our all mighty built with gold and the solid foundation. Bless you Larry :) Thanks for the comment again


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