Follow Your Intuition

The universe responds to our inner yearnings
By mysteriously bringing people into our life
To answer our questions and help quell our conflicts.
Everytime you follow your intuition
Your personal vibration intensities.
This can be likened to turning up the volume on a stereo.
The more your personal vibration is intensified
The more you will pull people into your life who carry messages
For you.
It is a universal law.
~Denise Linn 

Listen to that Inner voice. 
That gut feeling that you get when something exciting is coming. 
That feeling you get when you are so passionate about something 
and you're ready to take it to the next level. 
 That feeling that tells you that something or someone isn't good for you. 
That feeling that you get when you are about to make a huge decision.
 Listen to it! 
Sometimes this is just the sign that you need to lead you in the right direction.
 Consider what your heart wants.

Stop with the self-doubt! Sometimes we can be our own worst critic.
 We sure know how to block our own blessings. don't we? 
You can waste so much time by doubting yourself ,
when you really should be using that energy to take risks,
  and focusing on making yourself happy.
 You can do it! 

You deserve to get everything that you want out of life,
 you just have to go out and get it!
Force yourself to take risks.
 There is no time for Shoulda-Coulda-Wouldas, 
At all!
 Do what you've always wanted to do. 
The Business you've wanted to start, that trip you've wanted to take, etc. 
Don't listen to anyone, Do You. 
You were blessed with one life. Live it!
Give yourself permission to fail.
 It's ok to fail from time to time. 
Failing teaches you the valuable lessons in life 
and it also builds character and strength. 
It's much better to try and fail, then to not try and regret it.

Celebrate yourself! 
When you accomplish something, celebrate You!
When you're feeling great about yourself , celebrate YOU!
One thing that we don't do enough is pat ourselves on the back. 
You've worked hard, so reward yourself!

Whenever you feel; unloved, unimportant or insecure,
remember to whom you belong.
-Ephesians 2:19-22

We are creators of our own reality.
No one else will take charge of your life
as much as you can and they shouldn't either.
Your life is going to turn out the way you want only if you 
have the will and enthusiasm to follow your instincts,
take your own decisions,
follow your heart and believe in yourself.
Nobody understands your calling but you.

Not every decison in your life needs to be rational.
It is perfectly acacceptable to make mistakes, and each of us do.
It is okay to follow your heart and make a decision
even if it turns out to be the wrong decision later.

Nothing beats the remorse of having not believed in your instincts.
Take charge of your life.
Do what you love.
Love what you do.
Give life to your callings.
Take risks.
Learn from your mistakes.
Stop giving importance to what everyone else around you is doing.
Make decisions that YOU feel are right for you.
Abondon things and people that drag you down.

Let your instincts fuel your desires and drive your dreams.
Focus on your strengths.
Work out your vulnerabilities.
Be open to challenges.
Stop bucking the trend.
Start your very own.
Your calling will never lie to you.

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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