Treat HER Like a Queen...

There are some tough, resilient, high resistant women out there
They build walls around them to shield them from being broken
You never really know what 'she' has been through
She could have had nobody but herself to blame when things go wrong

When a strong woman  cries, she has been strong for too long
She releases anger, pain, courage and somewhat faith that she had held on
That everything somehow would be just okay in the end
She sometimes may feel she is winning but really she's not.....

Professionally, a woman could decide to take the 'Boss' shoes
She could be a firefighter, soldier, police, public figure, top executive and so many others
She portrays strength, equality, courage and hope
A woman should be treated as a lady no matter her profession!

When a woman is 'mad' she believed in you and you let her down
When she is asking questions, she wants to get clarity on the matter
When she is 'tripping' for you, she cares deeply
When she is going 'quiet' and just letting 'it' slip, she is giving up

And when she is not doing all mentioned
You may have just lost a great woman!
Women to men are but God's property entrusted to him
Whatever her level of be handled with 'extra care'

Treat a woman right and
You'll never have to worry 
About keeping her.

We are God's Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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