5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is developed in the colon or rectum
Hence its name 'Colo' 'Rectal"

It is the third most common cancer in men and women 

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer
1. Live a healthy lifestyle
Obesity and lack of exercise can increase insulin levels
That may help drive cancer cell growth

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

Eat a healthy, plant-based diet
That is low in red or processed meat.

Exercise at least 150 minutes a week.

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

2. Eat Nuts and Drink Coffee
Studies show nuts can help decrease risk
For colerectal cancer by reducing insulin resistance.

Eating 1oz of nuts 5 or more times per week has been found
To reduce death from all causes by 20 percent

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

Coffee may lower risk of colorectal cancer
And helps reduce risk of recurrence in survivors.

Like nuts, coffee has been linked to reducing insulin resistance.

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

3. Consider taking aspirin and vitamin D supplements
Studies show low-dose aspirin can reduce the risk
Of colorectal cancer up to 40%.

It is important to remember there are risks to taking aspirin.
Speak with your doctor about the risks and benefits
Before starting an aspirin regimen.

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

Vitamin D helps the body regulate calcium levels
And maintain healthy bones.

Current studies are looking at the cancer prevention benefits
Of Vitamin D.

Remember to speak with your doctor
Before taking any supplement.

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

4. Follow Screening Recommendations
Screening should begin for the general population at age 50.

Fecal occult blood tests done yearly

Colonoscopies every 8-10 years

Sigmoidoscopies every 5 years

Those with a family history of colorectal cancer should
Speak with their doctor about when to begin screening.

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

5.Know Your Family History
One of the biggest risk factors for colorectal cancer
Is having a family history of the disease or polyps.

15% of colorectal cancer patients 
Have a family history of the disease.

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

The genetic condition Lynch syndrome
can also increase colorectal cancer risk.

People with Lynch syndrome make up 5%
Of colorectal cancer patients.

Those with the syndrome tend to develop the disease
At a younger age.

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

If you think you have an elevated risk
Speak with your doctor about starting screening 
At an earlier age.

5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer
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