6 Secrets of Master Presenters

Secrets of Master Presenters

Scott Harrison
Founder of Charity: Water

"Harrison combats the general apathy toward giving 
by communicating the great need by connecting with his audience
on an emotional level through storytelling."

Key Takeaway: Tell Stories that Resonate
'This woman, Helen, actually told us she felt beautiful 
for the first time because she now had enough water 
to wash her face and her clothes
-Scott Harrison

Secrets of Master Presenters

Steve Jobs
Founder of Apple

"On stage, Job was articulate, nimble, and steadfast.
But his most overlooked quality was his ability to make
even the most technical jargon sound simple."

"For example, when introducing the iPod in 2001, 
Jobs chose to present the iPod as 
'1000 songs in your pocket"

Key Takeaway: Simplify The Complex
'This is a quantum leap because for most people 
(1,000 songs) is their entire music library.
You can take your whole music library with you right in your pocket'
-Steve Jobs

Secrets of Master Presenters

Ellen Degeneres
Host of the Ellen Degeneres Show

"Who says serious can't be fun? 
DeGeneres has a knack for unveiling beautiful stories of humanity,
and is unafraid to couple her words of wisdom with a bit of humor."

Key Takeaway: Use Humor to Liven Up Your Audience
'Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else's path,
unless you're in the woods and you're lost and you see a path,
then by all means you should follow that'
-Ellen DeGeneres

Secrets of Master Presenters

Tony Robbins
Life Coach, Author, and Peak Performance Strategist

"He drills to the heart of issues, 
exciting crowds by laying out practical steps to guide people towards their peak performance."

Key TakeAway: Provide Actionable, Practical Content
'Activity without a high level of purpose is the drain of your fortune'
-Tony Robbins

Secrets of Master Presenters

Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil Rights Activist

"One of the greatest activists to ever live, 
King Jr. spoke against injustice without being blinded 
by the social norms and expectations of his time."

"His Speeches were all the more powerful 
because of the plain truths he spoke 
in the face of huge challenges."

Key Takeaway: Challenge Destructive Ideologies and Present Truth
'Our lives began to end the day we become silent
about the things that matter'
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Secrets of Master Presenters

Gary Vaynerchuk

"Sometimes people need a speaker to give them 
a proverbial slap in the face.
Not caring what people think is one of Vaynerchuk's specialties-
he calls people out and tells it like it is."

"His Success as an entreprenuer and public speaker
stem from his willingness to say whatever 
it takes to get his point across."

Key Takeaway: Don't Be Afraid To Be Real
'If you are using tragic events or other things of that nature
to build up your top line following number,
let me just give you a news alert: You're a piece of shit'
-Gary Vaynerchuk

Secrets of Master Presenters

"Someome can take credit for your 'Success'
that's life!"
"They can enjoy the glory, 
but only you can give the most 'accurate' story"

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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