If You Love Two People at Once

"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second.
Because if you really loved the first one, 
you wouldn't have fallen for the second.
-Johnny Depp

If You Love Two People at Once
Hahaha....As if one of them is acting as a spare....
Believe it or not! This things happen 

One is able to love just one person in one's heart
Because love has only a vacant in the heart...
This is 'the' assumption!

This is the very best assumption you can relate to
But deep down we all know we can love more than one person
After dating one after the other in different times
Sometimes our hearts play with us
But  it`s only healthy for the heart to choose one to love

"You can love two people at the same time,
but never at the same level...."

If You Love Two People at Once
Hmmmm! "Sometimes our hearts play with us"
Ridiculously, very fascinating clause to have there
But indeed it`s more healthy to one but.....
There is a saying that "love is like a bird"
Meaning it can at any given time fly off a branch to another one

Hehe "love is like a bird" Yes! that's right 
It can tend to act funny
But when its deep it does not fly anymore.......

"Deep love is more than physical touch?
 It is being touched on every level, 
in every cell of your body, 
every oxygen molecule in your breathing, 
every firing neuron in your breathing. 
We want to be touched by life
until we are bursting and to share
 that uncontainable joy with others"
-Oshana Dave

If You Love Two People at Once
Oh what a point you've raised here
Now tell me about this deepness at which love can't fly anymore
Increase my knowledge about please dear!

For it being deep requires some kind of sacrifice, pain and time
That one would have passed through in the course of that love.
It would take your whole heart at that point
It would challenge you, make you who you are
You begin to question yourself and readily start to become whole.

And even make you question your spirituality (faith)
Is this what God really wants for me, Is that the one sent from above?
Yes! It's all a question of sacrifice and the heart`s dyed with the ink of love
Then the deed is done!

It was and is a learning process that causes heart chaos
True Eros love can only be given to your 'helpmate'
If your heart is so lost in God 
Then the one you love heart's must be deep in God to find your's!

If You Love Two People at Once
Anyone can find the dirt in someone
Be the one that finds gold!
Proverbs 11:27

We are God's perfect Creation
Beautiful of all worlds


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