20 Questions for Date Night

Whether you are married, engaged or just dating, its important to ask your date questions  other than how are you? How was your day? or just end up having a dead conversation. It's because we are asking the wrong questions. Try switching up the questions to connect on a deeper level and gain an opportunity to know our partners better by their responses to these question. Remember if you don't want lame answers, you can't ask lame questions. Here are better questions to ask your date besides, "How was your day?".

1. Tell me about a book (or something you watched) that changed your life.

2. What is one of the best gifts you received as a child? Why was it so special?

3. What is a tradition you wish your family had, but never did?

4. What was the best vacation you/your family ever had?

5. Tell me about somewhere you've been that you would like to go back to.

6. What would you like to do more of in life, but don't? Why not?

7. What is something that makes you excited when you are talking about it? When did you first start becoming passionate about this topic?

8. What are one or two things you have done this week that you've really enjoyed?

9. Think of a couple you greatly respect. What are three things you admire about their relationship?

10. What is something you've achieved that you're really proud of?

11. Tell me about a time when you overcame a fear.

12. What is one thing you've learned the hard way in life?

13. Tell me about a New Years Resolution that you were successful in keeping. What about one that you didn't keep?

14. In what area of life do you most frequently feel as if you struggle to find healthy balance?

15. What is something you used to believe that you don't believe anymore? What do you believe instead?

16. What are two things that refresh you, inspire you, and remind you what's most important to you?

17. What is something you really want to do in life that you haven't experienced yet?

18. What is one place you really want to visit? Why?

19. If you had a million dollars to give away, what would you do with it?

20. What would you do with your time if money were of no concern?

Love Your spouse
 Not because of 'who they are'
 But because of 'who you are'. 
And who are you?
You are of GOD.
 In other words, Learn about who you are first 
And then you can love unconditionally 
As HE first loved us...

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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