Know your Friend Alphabets

A  Accepts you as you are
B  Believes in you
C Calls you just to say Hi
D  Doesn't give up on you
E  Envisions the whole of you
F  Forgives your mistakes
G  Gives unconditionally
H  Helps you
I Invites you Over
J  Just likes to be with you
K  Keeps you close to heart
L  Love you for who you are
M  Makes a difference in your life
N  Never judges you
O  Offers support
P  Picks you up when you are down
Q  Quiets your tears
R  Respects you
S  Says nice things about you when you need to hear it
U  Understands you
V  Values you
W  Walks behind you
Y  Yells when you need to listen
Z  Zaps you back to reality 


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