With God, all things are possible.....

With God, all things are possible.
Wrap your faith and heart around this truth always.
Let the seeds God is placing in your life take root so they can grow.
Expect God`s favor to help you break out of the ruts and rise to new heights.
It can happen without a bank loan or having the right education.
It can happen in spite of your past and what the critics are telling you.
You don`t have to be bound by the barriers of the past.
Start making room in your thinking for what God has in store for you.
Expect to excel in whatever you do.
Allow that seed to take root. Get beyond the barrier of the past 
And expect God to do great things in your life.

Keep doing the right.
God is building character in you.and you are passing that test.
Remember, the greater the struggle, the greater the reward.

When you are tempted to get discouraged,
Remind yourself that according to God`s word, your future is getting brighter:
You are on your way to a new level of glory.
You may think you have got a long way to go,
But you need to look back at how far you have already come.
You may not be everything you want to be
But atleast you can thank God that you are not what you used to be


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