They were in it together.....

"What made it so beautiful was the fact that they were both 
so focused on fulfilling their dreams.....
So committed to their goals and living life of purpose
that they didn't have time to waste fighting each other....
They were aware of the odds,
they just weren't fazed by them....
They knew they could do it alone,
They just didn't have to....
It was seeing the other risk it all that increased their faith....
It was like taking the hits and getting it wrong
but knowing regardless of how it went 
you didn't have to search for support...
They understood what it really meant to be there for one another...
They knew they had a responsibility to each other's potential
and they did not take that lightly...
They were focused on winning, but they did not want
the type of victory that meant losing each other...
Nah they wanted the kind that wins that makes people believe
in possibilities again....
They wanted to live their dreams in a way that made
that made the work that comes with each other seem necessary,
even if they didn't always feel like paradise....
They were in it together.....
They believed each other to be enough....
She was it for him....
He was it for her.....
Their motto was simple: Good love does not quit on you....
And they were willing to fight for as long as they had to
in order to prove that's true...."

When its different, you can just tell. 
The little things start adding up, the small changes becoming more obvious, 
the excuses start coming more frequently. And finally you realize...
You can't force 'it to be something. 
You can't force consistency, loyalty, or even honesty. 
You can't force them to keep their word, or to communicate, 
or to realize something special is in front of them, 
You can't force them to stay and fight, or change their ways, 
or to use their faith to conquer their fears. 
It hurts falling for untapped potential.....
So, after realizing all of this, you just get tired....
You'd rather play the game because it takes too much energy 
to change the standard. 
You'd rather settle for good enough because it takes too much time 
to build something great. 
But we aren't....Instead, we run when it's too right. 
We get scared when they're too sincere. 
We make excuses instead of making the effect.
 And that's the cycle, so none of us ever get anywhere. 
What we ask for is simple, but we don't really believe we deserve it.....
Because to us, "simple"means too good to be true. 
We're all so used to pain that if it doesn't hurt, we can't feel it. 
If it isn't full of drama, we don't believe they care. 
If there's nothing to argue about, it's not really love. 
And that's why I choose to move slow, 
because more than anything, 
I just want to get 'it' right, 
with somebody who's just as tired of getting it wrong as I am. 
We don't need it to be perfect to make it last. 
All we need is effort, 100% from you, 100% from me. 
We'll let God work out the rest.

If you aren't patient enough to invest time towards making a good thing better, 
then you'll never know the joy in having something real.

We are God's Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds....

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