Those trying to bring you down, Are already below you!

Avoid surrounding yourself with people who resent your success or make you feel guilty for bettering yourself. They are not your friends!

The underminer - This is a sad but true case of friendship, that friend who likes to bring you down especially in front of other people. They will be like 'You literally have to see her without makeup!'. 'I don't think that is a good idea!' 'I can do that better than you!'

'Her knees are so ashy' That friend that basically highlights what you have gone wrong especially in front of people, they are bringing you down to make themselves feel better.

It's important to have friendships that are true and  deep, some of these points you have to reflect on, is that me? Is that who I am in a friendship? And it might be something you want to reflect on and change when you can.

The snaky - This friend gives you all their teeth and smiles but behind your back is all kinds of 'sly'. There are things you can identify about someone like this, one is that they will talk a lot about other people to you, and the next thing you see them with that person. At that point in time you need to know how to slide from them. Their ways are all kinds of snaky and those are the kinds of people you need to back off from.

They are excellent at smiling in your face, 'Yes girl! you look amazing'; 'Oh my God!  you have done that so much better than Ashley'.  Then behind your back, they are like 'I honestly don't know what she was thinking wearing that!'.  

"Snaky friends can kind of eat out of your self-esteem because you never feel quite right, you are not very sure about them, and I think it's quite important to have friends in your life that you feel good about!" - Patricia Bright
The once-supportive - Funny how from the beginning when you are sharing your ambitions of bettering yourself in life, or building your business they cheer you on so loudly that you feel like you have their undivided support. They will make you feel like they have got your back and are supporting you all the way.

You see, some of your friends and family are only going to start holding back as soon as they realize that wow, she is  really serious about getting healthy or about getting the business up running. When this dawns on them, it changes everything.

Now that they know you are going to achieve what they wish they could achieve, they become envious. They may not show their resentment or envy directly but they will shoot you down in the most subtle ways. 'How can you continue to lose weight to an extent we can't recognize you'; 'This business is not just for you, I have not seen successful women taking on this'.

They will drop such statements to sabotage you, discourage and stop you from achieving your goals. Don't be alarmed, they also want what you want so realize because you have gone against the norm, you will face resistance. They will hate you for being healthy or successful because they want it badly. The hatred that comes with it is only to make themselves feel better.

The critical  -And if you have a friend who never has anything good to say about what you are wearing, something you are excited about, what you are doing, and yet they are like 'that's not going to work!'. 'Why does he like you!'. 'It's probably going to go wrong!. I don't think you should even bother!'. 'I don't think that's a good idea!'.

Their negative disposition will just eat at your soul, your self-esteem and everything at the same time. It's better to have friends who say positive things about you all the time, a positive response, the right wordings to make you feel more good, not the wordings that would make you feel like crush! Whenever you say something good, they just make you feel like crush because they shut it all down. You don't need those kind of people in your life.

The competitive-  You do something and your friend is like 'oh I have already done that!'. 'That's almost as good as mine!'. 'You look good but I look better!'. 

We all know, a little competition is healthy but if your friend is constantly competing against you, they might have a slight problem in not wanting the best for you and probably seeing you more as a competition than a friend.

To know how to keep your cool with an overly competitive friend, as they may not necessarily be harmful as you think, you can read more about how to deal with them here.

Life is so much more enjoyable when you learn to be patient and trust God throughout your journey. No matter how fast you run, you won't get where you're trying to go without God's blessing and permission. You can't skip the lessons you are required to learn to reach the next level. Before a flower blooms, it must go through certain stages and so do you. Instead of trying to race to the finish line, learn to enjoy the ride on the way there. Stop and smell the roses. Appreciate every moment. Set your goals, make your plans, plant your seeds, and then patiently wait for them to grow. Don't miss out on the best days and moments of your life stressed and worried about the unknown. Move forward in joy, confidence, and fearlessness knowing that God is in control and you will reap what you sow.  

When you know your purpose, you stand strong you can't be shaken by haters, just empathize with these people because their deep seated hatred towards you is only expressing how maybe  deeply unhappy they are with their own lives. Avoid surrounding yourself with people who resent your success or make you feel guilty for bettering yourself. They are not your friends! Remember those trying to bring you down are already below you. Once you don't feel the need to come down to their level and tear them down, you will figure out the best revenge is to boss up spiritually, mentally and physically, like I always say, 'let's not be romantic about the past, cherish every moment to rise'. Show them what a better person you are, continue to love, continue to forgive and continue to grow. 

"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy'. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven". Matthew 5:43-45 

We are God' Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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