Ten functional foods that build immunity

Take care of your body. It's the only place you live. - Jim Rohn
1. Soy: 

Twenty-five grams of soy protein a day may help lower cholesterol 
and reduce heart disease risk. 
Soy may also fight osteoporosis.

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

2. Tomatoes: 
Image result for Tomatoes
Cooked, canned, or ketchup, tomatoes are protective against prostrate cancer 
when ten servings are consumed each week. 
Tomatoes contain lycopene, 
which neutralizes harmful free radicals that can damage cells and trigger cancer.

No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means - Maimonides

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

3. Oats:

 Oats have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

4. Grapes:

 Polyphenols or flavonoids in red grapes 
may lower the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

5. Tea: 

One cup of green or black tea per day
 could cut the risk of stroke and heart attack by 44 percent.

Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one - Astrid Alauda

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

6. Citrus:

 Fruit and juices contain high levels of vitamin C, 
potassium, and folic acid.

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

7. Fresh herbs: 

Herbs are used to enhance the natural flavor of foods, 
thereby discouraging the overuse of butter and salt.

The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system - Robert C. Peale

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

8. Spinach: 

One serving of spinach per week can protect against colon cancer,
 twice weekly to prevent cataracts. 
Its vitamin K content helps to build strong bones.

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

9. Vegetables (Cruciferous):

 Eaten two to three times a week, 
these help prevent colon and lung cancer.

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live - Jim Rohn

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

10. Vegetables (beta-carotene):

 These are protective against heart disease, stroke, and some cancers.

Ten Functional Foods that build Immunity

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Beautiful of all Worlds


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